1.45 Twins Growing Up

Brennen hasn’t been too happy about going all Silver Foxed. He grumbled all through breakfast about it. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with him being silver haired. He still looks good to me. Nothing’s too saggy on him, which to me says that he’s definitely not really showing the elder status in anything but his hair.

I’m not sure if that helped to ease his grumblings too much, but it did quiet them down once the kids started to join us for breakfast.

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After breakfast, Draco headed off to school, and Lyra phoned Orion to come and join her for her birthday party. Naturally, he said yes and headed over there to party it up. Since most of his siblings live together, he told me he had a blast catching up with them all. Even the girls he didn’t really get a chance to know, Andromeda and Ara.

He said even Sirius and Kassandra were there to party it up, and that Kassandra was still as big as a house, looking like she’d pop at any moment.

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He had a great time over there, and was gone for most of the day. I’m glad he was able to have so much fun at the party, and that he was able to spend time with everyone. It’s always been my hope that while they may not still be living here, that my family will stay close together through get-togethers.

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After he came home, his father and I did have a talk with him about getting a job. He said there was too much to collect on the land to worry about jobs. And then he promptly went out and started to collect all the little nodes that appear occasionally around our house, and across the street. He said he’ll collect enough to build himself a whole room with which to put his collections.

His father and I just looked at each other as he left to start collecting. There’s a reason Brennen has a job still, and that we weren’t collecting those things anymore. But let Orion find out that they just don’t bring in the cash like you hope, especially when you want to keep one of everything for your collections. He’ll learn soon enough for himself.

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While Orion was out doing that, his youngest set of brothers grew up some. No longer babes that need cribs.

Leo was first.

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And Corvus followed shortly after.

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Crovus and Brennen hit it off, and Brennen spent the afternoon reading to my little Whiz Kid, while Leo went to the playroom to draw and draw. It looks like we have another artistic prodogy on our hands, though he seems to be a bit of a loner all around.

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And I’ve noticed that my clothes are starting to feel a little tight again. I’ve felt like this before, I just didn’t think, with Brennen being an elder that it was still an option. Looks like we’ll be expecting one more kidlet before we’re done. I may see if the doctors can prescribe something to keep this from happening again after I have this little bundle of surprise.

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Not that I’m against more kids, but I want to enjoy the ones I have, more than I want to look after new ones again. Here’s hoping the doctors can help.

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