2.21 Abigail Gets Older

Mom aged up into an elder today. She didn’t want a big party or a lot of noise for it. So we just had a quiet night with some cake for her. And not long after cake she was definitely feeling the effects of being older. She was complaining of a sore back, so Lauryn took her upstairs and drew her a warm bubble bath to be able to rest and relax her.

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Ara came over to wish mom a happy birthday too. Which was very sweet of her.

She made sure to stay a while, said she wanted to give her siblings some space and time. But wouldn’t elaborate on what was going on.

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She hung out with us for a while, until Mom cane down from her bath looking much better and more relaxed than when she went upstairs.

She said a good soak does a body wonders, even her old one.

I am just glad that she’s feeling better.

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Just after Ara left, Mom got a text about a party out at the bluffs. Lauryn and I tried to talk her out of it, but I think we hit a nerve when we mentioned that only young adults would be there. She stomped off to her closet to find a pretty dress and headed out right away.

Dad’s ghost wasn’t too happy to find mom not around when he decided to stop by. Mom’s the only one that can calm him down and stop him from breaking everything in his anger.

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When mom got to the party, she found that our trying to warn her had been right. She was the only elder there. And she wasn’t exactly comfortable with that result. That didn’t stop her from spending some of her time there.

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Though, after a while, and not being to keep up to the dancing young adults, she decided it was in her best interest to head home.

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She was a little disappointed when she got home, that she couldn’t keep up with everyone like she used to. But, I will say, Albus coming over with a book and asking her to read him a bedtime story before he went to sleep perked her right up. I think it helped to remind her that while she may not be a young adult anymore, she’s no less important to our family.

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